The Sufi Record 1925 – 1932

…1534 State St., Santa Barbara, Calif., U.S.A. MRS. KHUSHI MARYA CUSHING, Recorder, Sufi Movement, 46, Quai des EauxVives, Geneva, Switzerland. All communications should be addressed to: MRS. KHUSHI MARYA CUSHING,…


…meet, exchange experiences, and look for common ground to facilitate cooperation. The Sufi Way and Sufi Contact both announce their activities in the quarterly periodical De Soefi gedachte. (7) Activities


…all the volumes combined. This is available here. These books are generally known as ‘The Brown Volumes’. In 2022 the Foundation started a revision project, to modernize the books, make…

Archive Exhibits

…Suresnes, and also until the early thirties of the the twentieth century, mureeds used to mark important dates for Inayat Khan with speeches, and reading out telegrams and letters. This…

Other Published Books

…13 editions in one volume 2020 The Sufi Record, a quarterly magazine 1925 – 1936 Edition 1979 References in the Inayat Khan Biography The 1979 edition of the…


Complete Works of Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan, Original Texts: The Foundation’s mission is to make the teachings of Inayat Khan available to all. You can download pdfs of the Complete…


Complete Works. If you wish to purchase the published copy, please follow this link to Suluk Press. These books are generally known as ‘The Brown Volumes’. In 2022 the Foundation…